Jolie, Julia!
Dream Now:
To help my sons to grow up to become good human beings and to make them happy in life. For me, to find unconditional love.
My Idea of Romance: Love that touches your soul and makes your being vibrate.
What Melts Your Heart: Romanticism in many subjects: through music, movies and literature.
What's Beautiful To You: Sharing is beautiful because it's the opposite of isolation/alienation
Everyday Beautiful Thing:
Witnessing the reactions of my sons and still being surprised by them. The light and shade of the sky. Driving around with loud music and singing at the top of my lungs. Coffee. And profound conversations with friends over coffee, at a cafe or a retro setting.
Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate/French Fries
How Do You Keep These Healthy: Running, Swimming, Yoga when time permits
Mind: Meditation, Reading, Solace, Writing
Body: Yoga, Stretching, Running
Heart: Jogging, Yoga
Soul: find peace in philosophy and psychology, both of which make me strive to reach higher and do better.